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    Default New to the forum... Here is my 69

    Hey guys, long family history with this car, and a lot of memories. Just decided to really start turning it into a show car when I learned the low production numbers on the big bad orange 343s in 1969.

    Here is a brief history of the car...

    The car was originally bought in mid missouri by my grandfather for my mom's graduation present. $3926.25 brand new.

    As a few years went by my mom and dad married in 1974 and the wedding photos show them driving off in it from the church with cans tied to the back.

    I was born in 1977, and some of my earliest memories are growing up riding in the back with no seats or seat belts (kids today's are panzies)

    The car ran until about 1985 with 150,000 on the speedo with only one rebuild around 1976. In 1986 it went up on blocks slowly rusting and dying.

    Around 1992 as I was nearing 16, I told my dad we should fix it up. So we did. Unfortunately we suck at body work and paint, and eventually paid someone to help with the paint and what not. It still ended up being a halfass restoration. It was a 20 ft. car. Looked GREAT from 20 ft, not so much from 2. Ran good though and the mechanical work kept her going to the present.

    Then in April of 2011, someone smashed it in my driveway. I'll post some picks of that another time. Whole right front smashed up good. However, we have insurance for a reason. After a year of work, finding parts, etc... I got it back.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	amx.JPG 
Views:	1896 
Size:	148.3 KB 
ID:	159   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	amx2.JPG 
Views:	1894 
Size:	100.0 KB 
ID:	158  

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