I can remember back in the 70's (yea, I'm showing my age) when the doomsayers were lamenting the fact of how wasteful us "poor" people were. These doomsayers were driving Cads and Lincolns then. What a bunch of you know whats? I'm sick and tire of listening to a bunch of enviromentalists going around telling me how messy my house is when their own envirs ain't any better than mine. As far as Bush is concern, he did try the Alaska route, it's part of the record in Congress, and kind of failed in the attempt. At least he did try which is better than Clinton did (he was too busy in the oval office having some fun with Moncia).
As far as having 37 different blends within the United States, I guess that speaks for itself. With California being the worse, you have so call enviromentalists running the state governments (with a few in National office) and this is what happens when they run amok.
Are the oil companies making a killing on us consumers? You bet!!!! If we are stupid enough to have 37 different blends of fuel in one country, then nail it to us for doing so by passing stupid laws demanding the oil companies comply with state regulations.
Enough of the political horse pucky, hopefully people are going to realize what a mess this all is and increase the refineries that are here. 20 years ago there was over 300 refineries running and today there is only about 150 running. Increase demand for fuel and cutting refining capacity is a recipe for diaster. Again this can be tied directly to the enviromentalist who wanted to close refineries for the sake of us idiots who do not know any better. Bullhocky.