Hi, you do have an early 71 full length console. As for a waste of plastic, I think they fit better with the lower center control panel. I have a gap below mine (Which I did not with the 73 I once had)... of which I have plans to modify when I remove the carpet and go with rubber mats.

As for the lower console... I have no records showing that any 71 has an open face like the 72 - 74 for the ashtray and lighter. Since your car is an early 71, I can only guess that the lower center console must have been replaced at one time.

As for your owners manual, I am questioning why it does not show the ashtray we are having discrepancies over. My original owners manual for 71 clearly shows the ashray and lighter with the door open, and has the factory insert for care of removing and installing the front ashtray.

I am surprised that you have not found other early documentation on this matter. All my resources show clearly that in the early stages of designing the 71 Javelin and in final production... AMC had chose to hide the front ashtray and lighter.

So, please understand why I question such a small issue... It just is not logical for AMC to reverse order of change. I could very well see a very late 71 Javelin coming out with a 72 lower center console, but not a early 71.

Like I said in the past that I am picky, and question small things at times.

Does anyone else here have a 71 Javelin too, and give some light?

Maybe I have been to critical on this.