View Poll Results: 73 javelin color

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  • trans-am red

    6 85.71%
  • black

    1 14.29%
Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    central california

    Post trans-am red or black?

    what do you think? it was originally trans am red but black looks mean! im not sure yet mabey this will help! please vote!
    AMC American Muscle Car!!!

    i love them AMC door handles!!!

  2. #2


    My opinion.depends if your going to restore to original or not.If not Black.If so Red.

  3. #3


    I voted for T/A Red. Black is nice but it shows every flaw and red is a hot and desirable color.


  4. #4


    If the body is perfect then I vote for a nice bc/cc black with a gray t-stripe. I have seen a car like this and it is a great looking car.

  5. #5


    i had a 73 Javelin Trans AM red i loved the color just wished it had some more metallic in it. so i vote T/A

  6. #6

    Default red or black

    Black wil be very hard to maintain, you will always be working on keeping it clean and it will show EVERY flaw. Red is easy to maintain and is one of the hottest muscle car colors. There is a reason why the aution houses call lots of cars that pass thru "resale red". It sells. I have two red cars, one black one (Mercedes, had no choice) and my Calcutta Russett Metalic AMX. I will never have another black if I can help it.

  7. #7

    Default I vote for T/A Red

    I am currently finishing up my 74 Javelin I purchaced new. Painted it to the original T/A Red. Loved it in 74 and still love it in 08. I have posted many restoration pics under WV74jav.

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