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Thread: Door Glass

  1. #11

    Default door glass

    i tried the glue kits you get from glass shops, several times and less than a year later = same thing.. 10-12 years ago i tried goop and the glass is still glued in there.

    goop was way cheaper as well. did 2 cars and both still holding!


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Funny, I was just going to ask this same question. Thanks for all the info as well!

    I just had the shell of my 93 Beretta hauled away and will be soon working on my project..

  3. #13


    What is goop?

  4. #14


    I'm going to guess Automotive Goop like you see here

    Looks like another good way to glue my fingers together.


  5. #15

    Default glass solved

    there is a guy on ebay that sells a kit to bolt both tracks together via aluminum plate. worked great on my 70 amx. i used u-428 plus urethane adhesive bad *** stuff, won't come off hands with brake clean has to wear off.

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